Subproject 50

Social Protection Services

Subproject 50 seeks to identify, characterize and assess the effects of the dam failure on the social protection services of the municipalities affected by the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão Mine in Brumadinho, considering the use of equipment, infrastructure, human resources, source of resources financial and corresponding expenses, in the periods before (2014-2018) and immediately after (2019-2020) the disruption.

This objective is divided into:

  • Identify, characterize and assess the impact of the dam failure on the demand and supply of public social protection services in the affected municipalities in relation to the period prior to the dam failure (2014-2018);
  • Analyze the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities resulting from impacts on infrastructure, equipment and human resources and their relationship to the dam failure;
  • Analyze the impacts on demand for social protection services in the affected municipalities considering changes in expenditure and its relationship with the dam failure;
  • Develop scenarios for public social protection services considering the impacts of the dam failure and the Covid-19 pandemic on the supply and demand for public services (period 2019-2023), with the dimensioning of expenses and investments for the provision of public services social protection;
  • Evaluate any mitigation and remediation measures that have been developed, that are in place and planned.


Methodological steps

1st Step: Data collection and descriptive analysis based on secondary data to identify, characterize and assess the provision of services and demand for public social protection services in the municipalities, considering the period prior to the dam failure.

2nd Step: Data collection and descriptive analysis based on secondary data to assess the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities considering infrastructure, equipment and human resources.

3rd Stage: Survey of secondary data on the municipal social assistance budget (budgetary availability, expenditures and expenses), as well as state and federal budget laws regarding the co-financing of these entities with the affected municipalities to analyze the impacts on the demand for services social protection in the affected municipalities, estimating the expenses to guarantee the provision of services.

4th Step: Projection of scenarios for public social protection services considering the effects and impacts (2019-2023 period), as well as the dimensioning of expenses (costing and investments).

5th Step: Assessment of any mitigation and repair measures that have been developed, that are in place and planned.


Meet the team!

Subproject 50 Timeline


Month 1 (02/2021)
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8

- Planning the research activities.

- Identification, characterization and evaluation of service provision and demand for public social protection services in the municipalities, considering the period prior to the dam breach (2014-2018).

- Identification, characterization and evaluation of the provision of services and demand for public social protection services in the municipalities, considering the period prior to the dam breach (2014-2018).
- Delivery of the report of identification, characterization and evaluation of the provision of services and demand for public social protection services of the municipalities, considering the period before the dam burst (2014-2018).
- Analysis of the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities considering infrastructure, equipment and human resources.

- Analysis of the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities considering infrastructure, equipment and human resources.
- Analysis of the impacts on the demand for social protection services in the affected municipalities estimating the expenses to guarantee the provision of services.

- Analysis of the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities considering infrastructure, equipment and human resources.
- Delivery of the report of the analysis of the impacts on social protection services in the affected municipalities considering the infrastructure, equipment and human resources.
- Analysis of the impacts on the demand for social protection services in the affected municipalities estimating the expenses to ensure the provision of services.

- Delivery of the report of the analysis of the impacts on the demand for social protection services in the affected municipalities estimating the expenses for guaranteeing the provision of services.
- Projection of scenarios for public social protection services considering the effects and impacts (2019-2023 period), as well as the dimensioning of expenses (costing and investments).

- Scenario projection for public social protection services considering the effects and impacts (2019-2023 period), as well as the dimensioning of expenses (costing and investments).
- Delivery of the Report of the projection of scenarios for public social protection services considering the effects and impacts (period 2019-2023), as well as the dimensioning of expenses (costing and investments).
- Evaluation of any mitigation and remediation measures that have been developed, are in place and planned.

- Assessment of any mitigation and remediation measures that have been developed, are in place and planned.
- Delivery of the Report of the assessment of any mitigation and remediation measures that have been developed, that are in place and planned.
- Preparation of the consolidated report.

• Preparation of the consolidated report
- Delivery of consolidated report