Subproject 46

Electronic Invoice Information System

The general objective of subproject 46 is to systematize the construction of indicators, analysis methods and economic models for the region affected by the disaster based on purchase and sale information from electronic invoices (NFe).

This objective is divided into:

  • Map the flows of purchase and sale of goods and services by product groups based on the modeling/segmentation of FNs, in order to identify and quantify the main debt and credit chains according to their relevance in the affected region;
  • Municipal georeferencing of purchase and sale of goods and services by product groups;
  • Evaluate the NFe database of Minas Gerais in terms of sectorial and regional coverage, defining the necessary aggregations for its use in economic studies;
  • Implement a segmentation of products/sectors and regions to be used in the other stages of the project;
  • Build a matrix for the purchase and sale of goods and services, with the statistical quantification of the volume of transactions by types of products/services, regionalization of flows with origin and destination in the affected municipalities;
  • Georeferencing of the purchase and sale of goods and services matrix;
  • Develop an indicator of Economic Activity Level in the affected municipalities, with the objective of ascertaining the evolution of the level of economic activity in the period of interest (before and after the disaster);
  • Develop an activity index from secondary data and another from NFe data, enabling the validation of the results obtained;
  • Georeferencing of the Economic Activity Level in the affected municipalities;
  • Develop and test a price monitoring methodology based on the NFe, which in other projects can be used to develop a price index in the affected municipalities.


Methodological Steps

1st Stage - Exploratory and descriptive analysis of the NFe's database

2nd Stage - Municipal economic activity indicator based on secondary data

3rd Stage - Elaboration of the Trade Matrix and production chain

4th Stage - Proposition of a Price Index calculation methodology

Meet the team!

Subproject 46 Timeline


Month 1 (02/2021)
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8 (09/2021)

- Evaluation of Nfe fields and information relevant to the project.
- Methodology of the indicators and trade matrix.
- Methodology and secondary data collection for the economic activity index.
- Partial report of descriptive and critical analysis of the NF-e data and other data for the constitution of the project database.

- Demand for NFE data from the Secretary of Finance of Minas Gerais.
- Methodology of indicators and trade matrix.
- Calculation of the economic activity index based on secondary data.
- Analysis of the secondary data indicator.
- Partial report of descriptive and critical analysis of the NF-e data and other data for the constitution of the project database.
- Partial report with methodology of activity indicators, the trade matrix and price monitoring of the affected region.

- Methodology of indicators and trade matrix.
- Analysis of the received data and possible correction/complementation of the requested data.
- Analysis of secondary data indicator.
- Partial report with methodology of activity indicators, the trade matrix and price monitoring of the affected region.

- Analysis of the received data and possible correction/complementation of the requested data.
- Debugging and formatting the data for trade matrix of the affected municipalities.
- Analysis of secondary data indicator.
- Partial report with methodology of activity indicators, trade matrix and price monitoring for the affected region.

- Debugging and formatting the data for trade matrix for the affected municipalities.
- Selection and organization of data for the economic activity index.
- Partial report with selection and preliminary analysis of results of NFe data in the affected region.

- Selection and organization of the data for the economic activity index.
- Exercise of analysis of price evolution of specific products in the affected municipalities.
- Partial report with selection and preliminary analysis of results of NFe data in the affected region.

- Analysis of the behavior of the economic activity index.
- Exercise of analysis of price evolution of specific products in the affected municipalities.
- Comparison with the activity indicator of electronic invoices.
- Partial report with selection and preliminary analysis of results of the NFe data in the affected region.
- Final report with analysis of the indicators produced and validated for impact analysis in the affected area.

- Analysis of the behavior of the economic activity index.
- Exercise of analysis of price evolution of specific products in the affected municipalities.
- Comparison with the indicator of activity of the NFe.
- Final report with analysis of the indicators produced and validated for analysis of the impact on the affected area.